Planning a trip to Silverton, Colorado is an adventure like no other. From the majestic Mayflower Gold Mill Tour to seeing the Redwood Llamas roam free, this small town offers many unique attractions and experiences. A visit to the Silverton Visitors Center is a must as it provides detailed information about all that this area has to offer, including where you can find the Red Mountain Motel & RV Park and the Silverton Memorial Park . Rock Pirates Backcountry Adventures will provide an unforgettable experience with guided hikes and Jeep tours of the breathtaking scenery surrounding Silverton. If a peaceful lakeside stroll sounds appealing, then head over to Ice Lakes Trailhead for a peaceful nature break or Pinkerton Hot Springs for a truly relaxing experience.
At we have plenty of choices when it comes to accommodations in Silverton CO. With 28 different places ranging from 2-4 star properties, there is sure to be something that will fit your needs and budget perfectly. Some highlights include Kings Inn Durango which features spacious rooms and amenities such as free Wi-Fi and cable television plus access to free mountain bikes for rent and nearby golf courses, or for a more serene stay try Purple Iron Horse Inn which offers luxurious suites with fireplaces, natural hot springs pools, mountain views and gourmet breakfast provided daily. You can also easily filter these properties according to their star-category, hotel type, price range and amenities or even by distance from attractions or reviews in order to make your stay as comfortable as possible.