Book your trip to Clive IA today and enjoy the best deals on 11+ guest accommodations in the city! Whether you're looking for budget-friendly 1-4 star hotels, vacation rentals, or something more luxurious, has got you covered. Explore a variety of accommodation options near some of Clive's top attractions like Living History Farms, Science Center Of Iowa , Swanson Memorial Park , Pappajohn Sculpture Park, Des Moines Children's Museum, Clive Aquatic Center , Blank Park Zoo and Jordan House.
At we understand that every traveler is looking for something different when they book their trip to Clive IA. That’s why we offer a wide variety of accommodation choices ranging from budget-friendly 1 star hotels all the way up to 4 star luxury hotels. We also provide vacation rental options that are perfect for those who want something more homely during their stay in this beautiful Midwestern city. No matter which option you choose you can rest assured knowing that our prices are always competitive and we will do everything we can to make sure your stay is as pleasant as possible.
So book now and experience Clive IA for yourself! With its stunning scenery and a wealth of cultural attractions like Living History Farms, Science Center of Iowa and Pappajohn Sculpture Park there is so much to explore in this vibrant city. And with the widest range of guest accommodations available through you can be sure to find a place that meets your exact needs and budget!